Monday, September 26, 2011

Apples! Apples! Apples!

Please don't forget to bring 2 different kinds of apples to school!  We will be doing a variety of activities throughout the week with apples!  If you didn't bring them today it is not too late!  Bring them on Tuesday! 
Thank you for your help!  Have a great week!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Scholastic Book Orders

Book orders are due: Friday, September 23.

Go to and log in using your user name and password.

If its your first time ordering online, use the Class Activation Code to get started. Class Activation Code: GL4CJ
 Sign up: At On the parent page, click the Register button in the First Time Here section. Register for   your own user name and password.  When prompted, enter the one-time Class Activation code shown above. This code ensures that your order is sent to me. 

Select: the books you would like to order.

Send: your order to me online by the due date and your child's books will be delivered directly to my classroom.
Ordering online is fast and easy!  Best of all, we earn a FREE book for the classroom library every time a parent places an order online!
Thank you so much for ordering!!!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Class T-Shirts

Please be sure to order your child’s class t-shirt!  We will wear these shirts each Wednesday, as well as on field trips and other special occasions.  Orders are due by September 23rd!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Celebrate Freedom on Friday

On Friday Bolin Elementary will be having a USA celebrate freedom day. Students are encouraged to wear red, white and blue. In the morning, we will be having a celebration out front starting at 8:15. Parents are welcome to come join us outside to celebrate!


  • Please turn in all scholastic money
  • Make sure your child has turned in their "homework" this week (My baby picture paper)
  • Library books are due each Thursday (We will be checking out new books today!)
  • Tuesday folders (Gold and White folders) need to be returned that next day. We are distributing "Tuesday" folders today, so please make sure they are sent back on Friday.
  • Please keep their "sight word" bags in their green folder along with their cards so we can continue to add to the bag each week.
  • Green take home folders need to be signed and brought back each day.
Thank you so much for all of your help and support.  Hope you are having a great week!