Saturday, December 22, 2012

Winter Party

We had such an awesome day on Friday!  We started with book buddies and then our Holiday Sing Along!  

Our class Book Exchange!

Here are a few pics from our AMAZING party!  Thank you so much to Mica Tipton for making our party absolutely FABULOUS!  The kids had a great day!

Thank you so much to all our parent volunteers!  I appreciate all your help!

We even had a special guest stop by to visit!
Mr. Bolin!!!
I hope everyone has a safe and fun break!  I will see everyone in 2013!!! 
Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Polar Express Day

We loved wearing our pajamas to school today for Polar Express Day!   
We were so excited to get Polar Express tickets to "board the train." Mrs. Lutrick our conductor, punched them for us this morning.
We also received a special gift from Santa...only those who believe hear the bell. 
The 6th grade orchestra performed a few holiday songs for us.  Looking forward to our Winter party tomorrow. 

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Reindeer Day

Today was a very exciting day in Kindergarten. We celebrated "Reindeer Day." First we watched an online read aloud of the story Imogene's Antlers,  and then we made our very own antlers. We also wrote about what we would do if we had real antlers of our own.  
Tomorrow is Polar Express Day!  Don't forget to wear your pajamas! 

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Grinch Day

We had so much fun on Grinch Day!  We described how the Grinch was at the beginning of the book and then how his heart grew at the end of the book.  We also made made our own Grinch, and wrote what we would do to make him grin!
Happy Grinch Day everyone!!

Monday, December 17, 2012

This week in kindergarten...

We are going to be super busy this week!  We have a lot of fun activities planned! 

Today was Gingerbread Day!  We read The Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Baby, and The Gingerbread Girl! 

Here is a picture of how we compared the three stories:

Tomorrow will be Grinch Day, so wear your Grinch shirt or your Coe's Creatures t-shirt to be green like the Grinch!

Thursday is Polar Express Day!   Students may wear their warmest pajamas!

Friday is our class party!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Holidays Around the World

This week our students will be traveling around the world (other Kindergarten classrooms) to learn about different celebrations in other countries.  Be looking for their projects each day and have them discuss what they learned during their visit!  We will also be traveling to: Israel, Italy, Mexico, Germany, and America! 

Monday, December 10, 2012

Thank You Miss Pyle!

Today was was Miss Pyle's last day.  We were all very sad and we are going to miss her a lot.  We know that she is going to be a great teacher and we wish her the best!
Thank you Miss Pyle!!!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Christmas Tradition Homework

We have been talking about family traditions at school, and will be starting "Holidays around the World" rotations next week.  Please help your student complete the Christmas Tradition page. Be sure to include a picture at the top and help your child write a description of your family tradition.

Please return your project THIS Friday, December 7th.  Students will each take a turn sharing their project with the class.  These will be displayed in the hallway next week!
Have Fun!

Science on the Move

Today we had Science on the Move with students from 6th grade!   This is an awesome opportunity for 6th graders to come in and teach what they have learned! 
The 6th graders had a great time teaching the kindergarteners about energy, conductors, and insulators!

Friday, November 30, 2012

December Events

Wow!  I can not believe that tomorrow will be December 1!  This year is going by so fast! Here are a few upcoming events that I wanted to remind you of:
  • CogAT testing begins on Monday, December 3.  Please make sure your child gets a lot of rest and a good breakfast in the morning each day so they can do their very best!  Also, please make sure your child arrives at school on time because we will be starting shortly after announcements. 
  • Next week the "Exploration Fair" will be coming to Bolin!  It is a Science Expo sale of educational science toys, gadgets, books, models, games, rocks and minerals, kits, and supplies for science fair projects. Students will be previewing the Science Expo on Monday!
  • Don't forget that Miss Pyle's last day will be Friday, December 7.   
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! 

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Nouns and Verbs

Yesterday, we read the book When the Leaf Blew In by Steve Metzger.  We talked about the naming words (nouns) and the action words (verbs) in the story.  We learned that naming words are people, places, and things, and action words name things that people and animals can do!  This is something that you can discuss with them when they are reading to you at home! 

Friday, November 16, 2012

Thanksgiving Feast

We had a great time at our Thanksgiving Feast yesterday!  Thank you to all the parents that provided food and a HUGE thank you to Mrs. Tipton for organizing the feast and setting up the table! 

I hope that everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving!

I hope you enjoy the video!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Thanksgiving Performance and Feast

Our Thanksgiving Feast will be held on Thursday, November 15th at 1:30pm in the cafeteria.  We will be having a short performance by the kindergarten classes and then we will enjoy our feast.  Please bring any heated food between 1:10 and 1:20.  Other food may be brought at that time as well, or dropped off in the morning.  If you have any questions, please contact me!  Thanks!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Veteran's Day Heroes Parade

Today we honored our friends and family that have served our country!  

We were very lucky to have Miss Pyle's friend come talk to us about being in the Army.  
His name is Jake Marshall 
Rank: Private First Class
He is a Military Police Officer currently stationed in Ft. Lewis, Washington
Next month he will be deployed to Afghanistan.

He showed us on the globe where Afghanistan is and what it looks like there.

Then we got to cheer on ALL the Veterans! 

Thank you so much to all the Veterans that have served our country!  

Friday, November 9, 2012

Fun at the Zoo

We had so much fun at the zoo!  Thank you to all the parents that volunteered their time to go with us today!  It was a beautiful day!