Monday, April 22, 2013

Dallas Arboretum

On Tuesday, we will be going to the Dallas Arboretum.  Students will need to wear their class t-shirts and tennis shoes.  Students will also need to pack a sack lunch with disposable items, including a bottle of water.  Please make sure everything is labeled.

I know the weather does not look good for tomorrow, but as of right now we are going.  Please make sure that they bring a jacket.  :)

Wednesday we will be going to Celebration Park and the Lowery Center to watch a play.  Again, students will need to wear their class t-shirts, and tennis shoes.  Students will need to pack a separate snack and water bottle for the park.  Also, students will need to bring a sack lunch with disposable items, including a drink.


Sunday, April 21, 2013

Pennies for Patients

Wow!  Bolin is AMAZING! After 7 days, we raised $5,922.73!  Our campus goal was $4,000 and we surpassed it!  I just wanted to say THANK YOU so much to all the families that donated to such a wonderful program!
Our class donated a total of $120.79!  Way to go Creatures!!!

Planting Seeds

We have been learning a lot about seeds, parts of a plant, and the life cycle of a plant.  We planted grass  and we are documenting in our journals what we observe.

We had so much fun planting and we love watching our grass grow!  Next stop, the Dallas Arboretum!