Friday, November 2, 2012

Thank You for Supporting Our School

Hey Parents!

We had such a great time at the Boosterthon Fun Run! Thanks so much for coming out and supporting your students and Bolin Elementary. This past week and a half has been such a blast! We really enjoyed having the Booster team partner with us and help us meet our financial goals while at the same time promoting fitness, leadership, and character to our students. HIGHWAY USA was an awesome program! Be sure to ask your students what they learned about making good choices.

Now that the students have run the their laps we can start the collection process. Parents, we need your help!

Today, the Booster team communicated 5 things to your students.
1. We are 30% behind our goal.  In order to make it, we are leaving open for you to get pledges until November 12th!
2. Everyone did a great job having fun and helping their school!
3. Please call your sponsors and thank them for making a donation.
4. Tell them how many laps they ran at the Boosterthon Fun Run.
5. Please collect all your pledges, put them in your Boosterthon envelope, and return it to your teacher by next Monday, November 12th.

There are three ways to pay:
1. Cash
2. Check- made payable to Bolin Elementary.
3. Credit Card - you can either log in with your student's access code or go to and enter the email address associated with the pledge.

Thanks for supporting our wonderful school! We're so thankful for you!